These blog post titles are becoming unwieldy. I should probably rethink them a bit. So, as the title says this is an Interlocking Rubaiyat which is actually the form that Frost uses in Stopping By Woods… This will not likely garner the critical acclaim of Stopping By Woods, but it does capture a possible moment in the country.

A coyote on the far tree line
Was looking for a place to dine,
And finding nothing tasty there
Headed back into the pine.

Down forest path without a care
He came upon a winter hare...
then frozen, for a time, he stood
Sizing up his evening fare.

Eventually the time was good
To make the move to catch some food.
As he crept up to take his prey
A noise rang out within the wood.

The hare escaped to live and play,
this coyote has much less to say.
The shot burst forth and found its mark
And daylight fades into the gray.


©2020, Tim Geoghegan. All rights reserved.