Comment Guidelines

On One Sure Chord, comments are a place for intelligent conversation. The more civilized and cordial your comments are, the more likely others are to join in the conversation. We believe that part of our reputation is (and should be) based on the almost complete absence of nincompoopery in our comments section.

So, here are a few requests:

1)    Think of comments as a dinner party, an event at which polite engagement is the norm. We expect everyone present not to insult our family (contributors), friends (readers) or the food (posts). That’s not to say you can’t disagree; we just want the comments to remain civil and be constructive so that they drive the conversation forward, rather than shutting it down. If you’re not going to help out by keeping it civil, please don’t screw it up for everyone else.

2)    Please contain your comments to the subject at hand. If your comment is turning into a 500-word essay on the nature of man, we ask you to reconsider it. Brevity helps the conversation move. If your comment is more than a couple of hundred words, you might be in need of a blog of your own, or you might consider sending us a query. We might be willing to bring you on as a contributor if what you have to say is appropriate for One Sure Chord.

3)    Just to reiterate: Feel free to disagree with us or with another reader; all we ask is that your comment be both civil and constructive.

Because One Sure Chord is a private enterprise we are under no obligation to publish comments. If we can’t find anything constructive in your comment, it will be deleted.

– Tim

Thanks to Padraig at for letting me borrow much of this.