I am back with an other poem to share. It’s a Waka, a Japanese form that consists of five lines with a 57577 syllable count. The first two lines stand alone, the second two do as well and the third line can stand alone or relate to the two lines before it. Yeah, clear as mud. I know.

This year the writing isn’t like it has been in previous years. It’s not necessarily harder, but the ideas aren’t flowing and often I lose interest in them fairly quickly. The poems I share are what survives that weird cycle.

Anyway, I suppose it is normal to have difficult writing times. All is not lost. Once again I have something to share. It is what it is, so… enjoy.

Aaaand they're off...

There is no answer
to the last letter he wrote.
She sips mint juleps
in a kentucky saloon.
The horses don’t care at all.

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved.
