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December Dailies – Day 4 – pantoumish poem…?

Sometimes I get these ideas in my head and I can’t shake them. Tonight I was going to write a variation on a haiku that incorporates the form into a string of thematic verses to make a longer unified poem, but I also wasn’t terribly interested in writing a bunch of haikus that would be mediocre at best, just to finish something. (It could still happen, but not tonight).

So, I decided to futz around with the pantoum form to address my internal desire to avoid writing haiku style poems tonight. This is what came out of it…

No Haiku and I'm Stuck. 

Evening writing at a fever pitch 
There's always something new coming to mind
a lot of things I let slip right on by
but this one got my brain to twitch

Always something new forms in my mind
Tonight the muse desires a poem  or two
yep this one got my brain to twitch
But now that I've begun I wonder why

My fickle muse desires a poem or two
the topic is "stuck" and she wants no haiku
And now that I've begun I wonder why
because I'm stuck and just about to cry.

Evening writing  at a fever pitch
a lot of things I let slip right on by
the topic is "stuck", she eschews haiku
so I am stuck yet I shall give it a try.

I played a little bit with the meter and the rhyme, but ultimately it all came down to the repetition that I really enjoy about the Pantoum. Hope you enjoy it as well.


©2020, Tim Geoghegan, All rights reserved.


  1. Amy Philipsen

    The muse wants what she wants. Carry on, o poet.

    • Tim

      She is a tricky mistress… alas… I shall continue to serve.

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