We all know that person who belligerently holds to a view that is both destructive and obtuse. This little ditty comes out of that knowledge… what do you do when entitlement is all that matters?
Your Estimation There is nothing in me that wishes you ill or harm at any time... But there is something in my chest that balks loudly when you talk... Talk about hating people who have done you wrong or treated you badly, In your estimation. And often I look at you with pity and sorrow as you’ve come so low... But you continue to talk and grimace and flail against the machinery you built, Thinking that it isn’t fair... that you deserve more than others just like you, In your estimation. I have long since turned away... embarrassed by your dedication to your childish tantrums; All the ways you stomp and pout about the conspiracy growing in your colorful imagination. The world, it would seem, owes you more than it owes anyone who doesn’t look like you… In your estimation.
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