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December Dailies – Day 4 – Nonet of my poems are quite like this.

Ugh. Some days it’s hard to get anything done… today was one of those days. I chose to do a nonet which is a poem that begins with a 9 syllable line and each proceeding line has one less syllable until the 9th line which is one syllable. It seems like it should be easy, right?

Not so much. For today:

Untitled Nonet

He saw his future there in her eyes
clear skies and sunny afternoons
walking along mountain trails
dancing in the starlight
always arm in arm
until the day
she left him

©2021 Tim Geoghegan


Day 31 – Hay(na)ku – Two ways, several times.

Well… That’s about the end of it. I hope you enjoyed some of these. I’ll decide what to do next shortly. You can expect a post at least once a week, maybe more.

So, tonight I finish the challenge with this:

new poems
all this month.

It has been
a challenge

I think
it went well.

Some folks commented
others just 

I’ll likely
do it again,

Or maybe I’ll
just keep 

hope you
will stay tuned.

Please go subscribe
if you

you a 
Happy New Year.

Thanks for coming
along with

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.


Day 26 – Samonka

Samonka is a poem that combines two tankas written as love letters to each other. It’s sort of like a call and response I suppose. Perhaps an hour isn’t enough time to really get into these. I think it would be especially interesting if friends or lovers wrote a Samonka together…

Here’s what I got all by my lonesome:

Would you still love me
If I couldn’t remember
who you are to me
and sat talking about things
that have no significance?

I will love you, Dear…
no matter the circumstance.
I know who you are
when all else is uncertain.
I know that you have loved me.

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.


One Sure Chord is back…

After a year(ish) hiatus… I’m back, just in time for December Dailies. For December, I’ll be writing a poem (or something) each day. I hope you will enjoy and participate. I am working on the blog pages and appearance as I have time so things may change here and there… Let me know if there is something missing or if you see an error… I’ll fix it.

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