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What’s this? Another poem outside December?

He gives…
because he sees the weight they carry
and knows how heavy the world can be.

They come to him with open hands,
needing kindness, needing time,
needing pieces of him
that he offers generously.

They take—
because it’s easy.
Because he always says yes,
because he never asks for anything in return.
Because he is the steady ground
beneath their unsteady feet.

But when he is empty,
when his voice shrinks,
and his hands tremble,
when he asks for a moment…
they disappear.

No messages.
No calls.
Just silence where they used to be.

He wonders if they ever cared
or if he was only an oasis,
a convenience,
a stop along the way
to something better.

Still, he gives,
Not because they deserve it.

He gives because he can.

Sometimes though, he wonders—

December 18, 2024

Today I’m not answering-

Calls and emails can tumble into the void—
a distant echo in a canyon
I have no intention of hiking into.
Instead, I’ll linger here,
thinking about adventures ahead.

The woods wait for no one,
especially someone like me,
busy explaining my ideas to people
who will forget my words
the moment the meeting ends.

The trees don’t need a progress report.
The squirrels don’t pause mid-scurry,
fold their tiny arms,
and demand to know when I’ll deliver
on whatever request they’ve made.

It’s funny how the trail doesn’t care
if you’ve been gone five days or fifty years.
It’s still there,
under the canopy of leaves
that needs no approval to fall.

So I think today I’ll
spend the afternoon explaining myself
only to the wind—
which, for all its impatience,
never fails to listen.

I don’t like it, but it’s what I have for today.

December 17, 2024

Joy finds me in the hallway-

not in the spreadsheets
or board reports,
not in meetings where
I nod too much,
but in laughter.
Not mine.
(The quiet chuckle of middle age
has rules and volume limits.)
High-pitched, uncontainable,
giggles that ricochet off lockers
and sneak under classroom doors,
reaching me.

Today it came from two children,
heads bent,
reading their parts in class
inventing voices for the
characters in their play
They tried to look serious—
eyebrows scrunched
in forced studiousness—
but one snort escaped,
and they lost it.
Wild and breathless.

I turned my back so they couldn’t see me grin.
(I have a reputation, after all.)
But there it was, joy.
Simple, untaught,
with no return on investment
or measurable outcome.
It finds me, still.
Even now.
And I’m grateful.

December 14, 2024

The Life Poetic

Poets live lonely lives,
writing for themselves,
sitting in cafes,
coffee growing cold.

They pen verses
that may never be read,
or if read,
only in secret.

Sad and alone,
they drink whiskey and beer,
trying to soothe
their restless souls.

In the quiet corners
of dim-lit rooms,
they write their lives away—
cold coffee, heavy hearts,
and words waiting
for an unseen reader.

December 4, 2024

Sometimes the muse speaks, other times you have to do a lot of internal bitching to get things moving… today was a lot of internal bitching… but I’m not completely unhappy with what came out… Enjoy.

All is not Lost

The pen rests idle, ink runs dry,
beneath the weight of this winter sky.
No bottle to cradle, no fire to spark,
Just silence wrapped in a stubborn dark.

The words that poured like vintage wine,
now stumble, falter, and misalign.
Each stanza a puzzle, each rhyme a cage,
An empty stage without the rage.

Yet deep within, a whisper grows,
A quiet seed the muse sows.
Even in drought, the roots still yearn—
A barren field awaits its turn.

December Dailies – Day 18 – Clogyrnach doesn’t lend itself to a clever title…

For my birthday I really wanted to sleep in and be lazy all day. As such, this poem, a Clogyrnach, is not my favorite poem but it fits the form. I think it could probably use some work, but we will get to that another day.

I actually wrote quite a bit today, but nothing felt “publishable” at this point. maybe soon.

So here goes a Clogyrnach:

Untitled Clogyrnach

Waking up to a bright new day
Have lots to do and things to say
Breathing into life
Sharp words like a knife
Cut through strife
A new way

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved. 


December Dailies – Day 17 – Tired ideas.

I am tired. It has been a long week. I am going to bed and this is what I have on the page for today.

The rain, falls in the doorway...
the opening through which I peer 
into the vacant yard, void of life
filling up with wet and miserable gray


December Dailies – Day 16 – Deconstruction

Sometimes I write a poem and after sitting with it for awhile I rip it up and see what I can salvage…

This is a poem that WAS finished, but NOW is being deconstructed to be remade into something new and hopefully better.

Also, this is what you get when I lose track of time, get tired and need to do something. A deconstruction of a finished poem.

Tear it down...

I remember 
Walking in the sand and sun.
Had I considered your lovely face

the reality Looking  
In my mind with a happy smile

Back then I never considered
they never end.heart

Now looking back I wonder how
Those times might end so soon
Maybe it would have been different.

In the darkness
you stroll out of my life 
when You were good for me 
but was I for you?
But I continue Happily 
And so it seems we’ll never know.

 to remember.
think on           our moments.
 light       at

Laughing on a rainy afternoon

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved.


December Dailies – Day 14 – If you call I will answer…

Earlier in the week I was reading about the idea of call and response poems and songs. There are apparently forms of poetry designed around the idea of a call and a response two characters, perhaps even two poets…

I think it would be fun to write a few call and response poems with another poet. If you are interested in playing around with that idea with me… leave a comment.

So, without following anything prescribed with regard to form, I give you a call and response poem like thing. I think it can get better…

Wakeless waltzing.

I often dream…
we dance
well into the night.
I wake… and feel
The constant dragging,
lingering, longing…

Our dreams are alike
Yours and mine. 
The time we share
in the dark...
Dancing until dawn
while holding on. 

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved

Thanks to those of you who responded directly about enjoying the blitz or other poems. I appreciate the notes.


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