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Category: DD2021 (Page 1 of 2)

December Dailies – Day 15 – Birthdays after 45… A couple cinquains.

Well… It’s my birthday month and I feel like I’m not getting enough free food from the restaurants I enjoy. Ah well, after 45 it also seems like eating too much takes a greater toll on the body. This is the reality, life is pretty good, but it’s also a sometimes gentle, downhill slope from here.

Cinquains are five line poems that take various characteristics based on the whims of the poet. Today, I give you a syllable count cinquain and a word count cinquain connected by a theme (sorta).


words and wishes

To live fully,
Chasing more than money...
Searching for meaning in chaos.
This life.

Goes on…
In the event of
My too untimely death…

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved


December Dailies – Day 13 – Blitzin’

Not talking about the reindeer. I’ve done blitz poems before and I have found them to be more difficult than you might assume when you read the description. It’s a 50 line poem and no punctuation which appealed to me tonight… 3 hours ago. Why did this take three hours? I have no idea.

Read on, my friends:

Stop and Change

Stop to rest
Stop and meditate
Meditate for a minute
Meditate all night
Night falls early
Night and day
Day by day
Day of the dead
Dead battery
Dead end
End of the road
End of the line
Line by line
Line of fire
Fire in the hole
Fire it up
Up to the sky
Up and over
Over and over
Over the rainbow
Rainbow bridge
Rainbow colors
Colors of the world
Colors in nature
Nature calls
Nature renews
Renews itself
Renews your mind
Mind your step
Mind the master
Master a trade
Master of the house
House your collections
House your family
Family and friends
Family practice
Practice patience
Practice constantly
Constantly seeking
Constantly looking back
Back to the beginning
Back to life
Life lingers
Life finds a way
Way to go
Way to be
Be good to people
Be the change

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved

So, here’s the thing… after popping this in the text block and rereading it, I actually like it more than I did when I initially finished it. The most interesting thing is how it reflects things I have written about in my journal and other places ver the last several weeks. That was not entirely intentional, but it happened. It makes sense. A blitz is really about what is on your mind. This is a tidbit of that for you to do with as you will


December Dailies – Day 12 – Hmmm… this is difficult this year.

I am back with an other poem to share. It’s a Waka, a Japanese form that consists of five lines with a 57577 syllable count. The first two lines stand alone, the second two do as well and the third line can stand alone or relate to the two lines before it. Yeah, clear as mud. I know.

This year the writing isn’t like it has been in previous years. It’s not necessarily harder, but the ideas aren’t flowing and often I lose interest in them fairly quickly. The poems I share are what survives that weird cycle.

Anyway, I suppose it is normal to have difficult writing times. All is not lost. Once again I have something to share. It is what it is, so… enjoy.

Aaaand they're off...

There is no answer
to the last letter he wrote.
She sips mint juleps
in a kentucky saloon.
The horses don’t care at all.

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved.


December Dailies – Day 11 – Think you kouta done better? Prove it.

Heh! The Kouta form is a Japanese quatrain that is constrained by a specific syllable count. According to Robert Lee Brewer there are two styles which you can read about in his post here. My third quatrain is a third twist on things. It’s probably not original as ideas go, but let’s think… what really is anymore?

While originality is often questionable, I can guarantee that the topic is taken directly from my own experience today. I am happy to say both the bird and the cat survived.

Here goes nothing…

Hit and Run

Daylight is fading quickly,
rain falls, torrential...
wind howling from the southwest.
Winter storm arrives.

Bird returning to her nest
caught up in a frightful gust
slammed into a window pane.
Cat is wide awake.

Looking out the window
perhaps hoping for a meal.
Nothing appealing
holds his short attention span. 

©2021 Tim Geoghegan. All rights reserved. 


PS. My Titles are just what pop in my head. I seriously don’t spend much time on the titles. Feel free to suggest something better.

December Dailies – Day 10 – It’s day ten and I’m practicing zen…

Practicing zen? No.But I am drinking water and not using a prescribed poetic form today. I thought, “What could I do that would be different and interesting… to me?” POOF! (It, maybe, wasn’t instantaneous…) An idea was born.

I took a topic I bumbled across and I wrote it into 3 tercets of 8 syllables each followed by 4 Quatrains of 8 syllables each.

Why tercets and quatrains? I just liked the idea of three stanzas of three lines each, followed by 4 stanzas of four lines each. It may not even be an original idea, but I haven’t seen it before, that I can recall. It’s interesting to me.

Why 8 syllables per line? Why not? I am conscious that I wasn’t paying much mind to the meter other than syllable count. I don’t care how the stresses fell. I kinda thought the poem fells a little more zen-like, experimental, and jazzy. Maybe it’s all just dumb. Whatever. Don’t like it? Get your own blog or follow someone who likes following rules and coloring inside the lines.

So, here it is:

Plain talk

Sometimes I see when poetry
does not seem to have clarity
that straight talk alone may impart.

Perhaps a real thought so expressed
With a few clear words, black and white
Lacking false technicolor.

No obscurity in meaning
No dandy words convoluting
Flagging  in the poet’s bluster.

Like when I say, “Do Ya wanna”
then you reply simply, “I would…”
and the doubtful me then portends
a virtual “but” in the air.

Looking back three hours later 
To when I stop and consider 
The invisible “but” may be
An unspoken yes, then unseen. 

I think I should have said, “Will you?”
The answer to which is more clear.
Precisely Yes Please, or Hell no, 
where I would know what to do next. 

But unthinking as I can be
I let it sit for much too long
I acknowledge I may have missed
A chance to spend some time with you.

©2021 Tim Geoghegan - All rights reserved


December Dailies – Day 7 – Seven and seven and seven or less.

Today is a seven line poem, with seven words per line and not more than seven letters per word. It’s day seven after all…

Here ya go:

Morning ritual

When the sun rises in the east
And cotton candy clouds line the horizon
The music thrums softly in my ears
Masking the sound of the rough road
Warm coffee keeps me moving toward work
Where constant email and phone calls await
And I just want to keep driving.

©2021 Tim Geoghegan - All rights reserved. 


December Dailies – Day 6 – Stanza 1?

Can I just tell you that today was a crapper. There was very little good that came out of today. I have been distracted by things I can’t even believe. Poetry has taken a back seat and in the time I did have I only came up with a single stanza. A beginning, perhaps? Maybe a middle? Or and ending… nah… it’s not an ending. Maybe I’ll share with you the development of the idea in fits and starts. It’s my blog and my poetry after all… this is how it happens… in a messy sort of disorganized fashion.

I was tempted to share a poem I wrote in 2016, but it goes against the spirit of the challenge. I meant this to be for poetry I would write each day, or in this case… a poem type thing. So here ya go:


In the moments before bed
With a single light above
My thoughts turn to the past
And to mysteries left unsolved.

©2021 Tim Geoghegan

I suppose if you wanted to write a stanza of your own to go with this… I wouldn’t object.


December Dailies – Day 3 – Imayo been watching a sad event.

Coffee shops are fun places to gather material for journaling and maybe even crafting into poetic vignettes… glimpses into the lives the of people around us.

The Imayo form is a 4-line Japanese form that has 12 syllables in each line. The twelve syllables are broken up with a purposeful caesura (break) between the first 7 syllables and the last 5 in each line. 7/5 syllable counts are unique to many notable Japanese forms suck as the Haiku and the Tanka.

I like how the poem can sometimes break down into two separate stories, but together tell a more poignant story and perhaps better developed overall narrative.

This poem is a product of sitting in coffee shops and taking notes. I pulled a moment out of the pages of my recollection and tinkered it into this Imayo. Enjoy.

Could be it's goodbye...

The coffee has gotten cold - he takes another sip.
A bell rings over the door - patrons come and go.
Her napkin is still right there - ruffled by the breeze.
The empty chair speaks loudly - tears roll down his cheeks.

©️2021 Tim Geoghegan

To be certain, this poem could benefit from time and some workshopping, but the challenge is about what I can get done today. It is what it is, for now. See ya again tomorrow.


December Dailies – Day 2 – Gogyohka and get another round…

Sometimes you find yourself at the bar being chatted up by some lonely person and you consider why you stayed to chat other than they were buying rounds.

The Gogyohka is a poem that is comprised of five lines with one phrase per line. What makes a phrase a phase, you ask? Well, ask yourself, does it stand by itself? If so, let’s just say it’s a phrase.

Today’s poem:

Closing time?

I slowly drink
The beers he buys
watching the clock
wondering how much longer
I have to stay and smile.

©2021 Tim Geoghegan


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