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Category: DD2019 (Page 3 of 3)

Day 9 – Gogyohka – Five line poem

Yep. That is it. The Gogyohka is literally a five line poem with each line being a phrase unto itself. These seem easy to write I suppose, but I am pretty certain they are not as easy to write WELL. Here’s an example… you decide if it was done well.. I’m not judging.

Spring Morning

The roses bloom
when the sun shines.
She watches silently
as bees gather
in the golden light.

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.


Day 8 – Counting 11 beats, it’s something I guess.

This poem is a prayer of sorts. To God, to a muse, to a lover… You decide.

Missing Piece

Seems like there’s 
a part of me
hidden from me...

...you are there
apart from me
and I can’t see.

Long I’ve tried
to find my way
just to find you...

...Yet you remain
veiled from me,
hidden away.

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.


Day 7 – Dodoitsu?

It was a great day and I actively avoided writing all day! I know! What an inspiration, right? Well… here’s a last minute Dodoitsu which is a four line poem. Each of the first three lines have seven syllables and the fourth line has five syllables. I couldn’t find any requirement for rhyme or meter, other than the syllable counts. I love the police activity page that they put in the paper, there are lots of interesting things to spark creativity there.


I just wanted to see you
so I thought I would stop by.
I knocked… you didn’t answer.
Why’d you call the cops?

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.

Well… that’s one week down.


Day 6 – Cywdd Llosgyrnog (say what?)

This is one of those days where I couldn’t think of anything to write so I looked for a a framework to fill in… and I found the cywdd llosgyrnog… I have no idea what that even means, but it’s kind of interesting as a poetic form.

My attempt… (that took way longer than I wanted it to and I really don’t like it but I don’t have anything else to print and I need to get some sleep…)

coo wid lo seer nock

Melancholy dreams without you
waking not knowing what to do
more than a few lonely nights
spent walking alone in the dark
outlook to the future is stark. 
Sleep in the park ’til daylight. 

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.

Day 5 – Going To Sleep…

I don’t know about you but there are times I find it rather difficult to get to sleep. If I do get to sleep I find it nearly impossible to get more than a couple hours of sleep. Three or four hours if I am lucky. Sometimes I just lay awake and wonder how I will function the next day. Sometimes I meditate. Sometimes I try nature sounds to sooth the savage soul. Sometimes it all seems fairly hopeless, I look at the clock and wish, pray, beg the universe to let me sleep.

This is a quatern… a four stanza poem with four lines per stanza, each line consisting of 8 syllables. The poem incorporates a refrain in each stanza. The refrain originates in line one and you can see how it plays out.

For the insomniacs like me… love and peace… a lullaby.


Sunset fire in the western sky
draw the blinds and turn down the sheets
open a book to calm your mind
take a breath and let it all go.

This day is drawing to a close...
sunset fire in the western sky
no more struggles no more worries
yes, everything will be just fine

Something in you wants to sleep now,
one last look out through the window...
sunset fire in the western sky.
Close your eyes now, breathing slowly,

embrace the silence of your room,
feel the cool upon your bare skin,
let tomorrow care for itself...
sunset fire in the western sky.

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.

Tell me (and everyone else) your favorite method for getting to sleep in the comments.


Day 4 – Go Get The Mail

Today I arrived home with this sort of irritating tingle in the back of my mind. It was my inner voice telling me that I had no good ideas and that I should just quit while I am ahead. So, I ignored it and went to get the mail.

Isn’t it funny when your brain tells you one thing and the universe says… “No, that’s not right! Let me help you”. So, there it was, a whole scad of junk mail… and perfectly intertwined in the midst of the pile were a credit offer from SINcrony Bank and McDunghill’s coupons. Yes, I changed names to… I dunno, to make fun of two companies I don’t particularly like. (Why are they even sending me mail? What a waste!) But WAIT! I can use this…

So for your reading amusement… I present a “found mashup poem”. A found poem is where you borrow the words from one, or in this case two, works and create something new. I hope you enjoy the found mashup. I counted and I used less than 10% of the words from either of the mailings so no harm, no foul… right?

Found in my junk mail…

When it comes to 
holiday cheer,
you’re pre-qualified
subject to credit approval.

Celebrate sweet
chocolate and fries
for a limited time
everywhere you go.

earn more donut sticks
on every purchase
with no limits…
Go anywhere...

...with a
29.99% Cinnamon
$39 cookie
2% latte. 

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.
Special thanks to McDonald's and Synchrony Bank for sending me junk mail.

Who wants to make a “found mashup” of your own and post it in the comments?


Day 3 – Sick Day

I have been under the weather. I actually snoozed away much of the day so you get what you get.

Sick Day - haiku

Now the day winds down-
Moving slowly into bed.
Resting is hard work.

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.

Hopefully tomorrow brings new inspiration and less blah.


Day 2 – Castaway

Day 2 has me feeling kinda crummy and under the weather. This poem is not about anyone in particular… it was just there in a dark corner of the spare room at the back of my brain.

The thing I hope you remember is that these poems are written on the day they are published. As such, they are not meant to be GREAT or SPECTACULAR or even GOOD. They are a practice in writing things down in some way that makes sense to me. I have not workshopped them. In most cases I have set a time limit to even work on the poem so you are seeing very rough drafts here.

I am sharing these bits, not for your adoration or praise, not to make a point, or make a statement on society, or eviscerate people, but simply to keep myself working. If you wish to comment, I invite it. Just be nice. 😉


You think you know
what she likes to do
on those off days
when no-one’s around.

But if you knew
that she runs away
into her books
you might wonder why.

She has it all,
so you like to think,
but it’s not true…
as she would tell you.

If you would ask
without assuming 
that everything
has to go your way.

She wants the life
she finds in her books,
without losing
what is real and true. 

So she pretends…
to keep you happy, 
and finds herself
alive in stories.

Copyright ©2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.

I am going to try giving my poems titles this year. The titles are “working” titles and should I choose to refine any of these bits at some point in the future, the titles may change. I just like a poem to have a title… if it seems appropriate that it should.


December Dailies 2019 – Day 1

It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything for anyone else’s consumption so I am feeling a little bit out of practice and somewhat nervous about the prospect of even starting the challenge this year.

At some point I may do an extra post to talk about the challenge and why I do any of this, but for tonight I only have a nonet to share. The nonet is a “disappearing” or “count down” poem that starts with nine syllables in the first line and each proceeding line decreases by one syllable. I think you will get it when you see it. It reminds me of something going down a drain. {grin}

So here goes:

Once Again - 

Forty seven years have come to this
exercise of writing things down.
A yearly slog I’ve outlined -
seeking poetic bliss.
Ideas are grown,
the poem kind.
Trouble is
my own

Copyright © 2019 Tim Geoghegan, all rights reserved.

There you have it, the first “Daily” of December 2019. Only 30 more to go. I’m going to warn you, I may deviate from the “poem” theme this year. I have become interested in very short fiction and a flash style story may appear once or twice. You may also feel free to comment and make requests on topic, form or whatever. You could even leave a comment just to say “hi”. I have no agenda for this project, as of this moment, so it will be what it will be.

Welcome (or welcome back) and thanks for joining me.


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