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Author: Tim (Page 7 of 12)

December Dailies – Day 22 – Tricubes?

Thricubes are poems built on threes. Three lines, each with three syllables, converging into three stanzas. Seemed like a fun activity, especially after playing disc golf in the rain on a semi-flooded course. This was at least a warmer option.

Here’s a try:

Cold rain falls
A river.

Flowing fast
down and through
the valley.

All things go
back into
the far sea...

But ya know… we’ve been here before, who cares? Norman MacLean covered it …

I only said I’d write a poem a day. I didn’t say they would be earth shattering or amazing.

Try one of your own in the comments and show me something new, if ya like.


©2020, Tim Geoghegan. All rights reserved.

December Dailies – Day 21 – Shadorma my life away…

Rain is playing a huge part in everyone’s life around here these days. With flood warnings and wet socks abounding… why not write a poem about rain? This is a shadorma which you can google if you want to know more.

Cold rain falls
As I walk this path
Soon enough, 
the water washes away
the rest of the year.


©2020, Tim Geoghegan. All rights reserved.

December Dailies – Day 20 – Pantouming again…

Playboya man who lives life devoted chiefly to the pursuit of pleasure.

Merriam Webster Dictionary

Ha, no. Sorry… No naked photos here today. Just a pantoum. I enjoy the repetitive nature of the pantoum form and I like that it is not so inflexible that you can change things up if necessary. The topic struck my fancy by way of observation and anecdote. Any similarity to real life is coincidental, If you think it’s about you, it isn’t but perhaps you need therapy.

Pantoum for a Playboy...

You are so nice...

You smile as she leans into you...
She tells you just how wonderful you are.
You know there is a reward waiting,
back at home in bed. 

She tells you just how wonderful you are.
You’ll do anything it takes to feel loved,
back at home in bed. 
She believes it’s real and true. 

You’ll do anything it takes to feel loved
While she plays along it’s easy.
She believes it’s real and true.
Until she says “no”, nothing has to change. 

While she plays along it is easy.
Just tell her all the things she wants to hear.
Until she says “no”, nothing has to change.
Remind her that you deserve this.

You smile as she leans into you.
You know there is a reward waiting. 
Just tell her all the things she wants to hear,
And remind her that you deserve it...

Because you are so nice. 


©2020, Tim Geoghegan. All rights reserved.

December Dailies – Day 19 – Poems are everywhere…

Have you ever had one of those days where everything seemed to be going swell until the end of the day and then it’s like the universe decides that having given you such a nice day, it might be a good idea to temper it with a lot of minor frustrations… just to keep things… interesting?

Yeah… I hate when that happens.

I had pulled out my copy of Joy of Zentangle and started jotting phrases that I found, randomly… once I had several dozen I started to arrange them into a poem-like-thing… or a found poem… Here’s what I have for now.

Your life, makes jumping
Into drawing therapeutic.
It gives a sense of perspective
and the freedom to explore
with a whole new direction.

Tangles are representative
of life’s problems.
You’ll have wonderful experiences 
And a refreshed feeling...
Sparks of insight and life.

Do you tangle?
Perhaps you’d like to…
All it takes is time.


December Dailies – Day 17 – It gets verse…

We all know that person who belligerently holds to a view that is both destructive and obtuse. This little ditty comes out of that knowledge… what do you do when entitlement is all that matters?

Your Estimation

There is nothing in me
that wishes you ill 
or harm at any time...

But there is something
in my chest that balks
loudly when you talk...

Talk about hating people
who have done you wrong
or treated you badly,

In your estimation.

And often I look at you
with pity and sorrow 
as you’ve come so low...

But you continue to talk
and grimace and flail against 
the machinery you built,

Thinking that it isn’t fair...
that you deserve more
than others just like you,

In your estimation. 

I have long since turned away...
embarrassed by your dedication
to your childish tantrums;

All the ways you stomp and pout
about the conspiracy growing
in your colorful imagination.

The world, it would seem, 
owes you more than it owes
anyone who doesn’t look like you…

In your estimation. 


©2020, Tim Geoghegan. All rights reserved.

December Dailies – Day 16 – “Fib”onacci sequence and bi-modal data tendencies… Or something…

Yeah, I’m just gonna let this be what it is… nods to math, lies, politics, alliteration, and probably some other things I wasn’t even thinking about.

Fibs and fears

Can you see
all the crazy ways
politicians sell all these lies
to uninformed crowds
who gather
to find
find none
from these frauds,
claiming to speak truth
but feeding the crowd vitriol,
only designed to 
feed frenzied


©2020, Tim Geoghegan. All rights reserved.

December Dailies – Day 15 – The Interlocking Rubaiyat of an old man desperate to get a poem written.

These blog post titles are becoming unwieldy. I should probably rethink them a bit. So, as the title says this is an Interlocking Rubaiyat which is actually the form that Frost uses in Stopping By Woods… This will not likely garner the critical acclaim of Stopping By Woods, but it does capture a possible moment in the country.

A coyote on the far tree line
Was looking for a place to dine,
And finding nothing tasty there
Headed back into the pine.

Down forest path without a care
He came upon a winter hare...
then frozen, for a time, he stood
Sizing up his evening fare.

Eventually the time was good
To make the move to catch some food.
As he crept up to take his prey
A noise rang out within the wood.

The hare escaped to live and play,
this coyote has much less to say.
The shot burst forth and found its mark
And daylight fades into the gray.


©2020, Tim Geoghegan. All rights reserved.

December Dailies – Day 13 – Somonkas – two tankas in call and response.

Well… I already gave y’all a tanka on day 10. Today I offer a somonka. It’s supposed to be two tankas written as two love letters in call and response. I’m not much of a love letter writer. This offering is less about love and more about call and response. Two offerings (tankas) combined to one poem. A somonka:

Feeling all alone
Walking down these corridors
Passing through this life
Watching, waiting, listening
For some clue to my purpose. 

You are not alone
I’m right here, just look around...
You and I best of friends
Can walk this road, not alone...
Together, as we should be.

Voice… It’s hard to do well… too bad you aren’t seeing that here. Maybe next time?


©2020, Tim Geoghegan. All rights reserved.

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