What resonates with you?

Author: Tim (Page 4 of 12)

December 4, 2024

Sometimes the muse speaks, other times you have to do a lot of internal bitching to get things moving… today was a lot of internal bitching… but I’m not completely unhappy with what came out… Enjoy.

All is not Lost

The pen rests idle, ink runs dry,
beneath the weight of this winter sky.
No bottle to cradle, no fire to spark,
Just silence wrapped in a stubborn dark.

The words that poured like vintage wine,
now stumble, falter, and misalign.
Each stanza a puzzle, each rhyme a cage,
An empty stage without the rage.

Yet deep within, a whisper grows,
A quiet seed the muse sows.
Even in drought, the roots still yearn—
A barren field awaits its turn.

December 3, 2024

Arrival and Departure

Brought in screaming
to a sterile room, harsh with fluorescent light,
no map, no compass, no stars—
each of us arrive.

Weaned from the mother,
we reach—
for the bottle of milk, sweet and pure,
then soda, fizzed with false joy,
then whiskey, heavy with regret,
then pills, silent as snow.

Taken out screaming
to a shadowed box, chilled by the weight of earth,
no map, no compass, no stars—
we vanish,
contextless as the wind.

December 2, 2024


Days roll into days,
the thread of time unraveling,
and hazy grey pervades all things—
the sky, the ground, and the hearts of those who once carried laughter like lanterns.

Sanctified and desecrated,
the sacred and the profane blur
beneath this veil of grief.
Even sunlight dims,
its brilliance muted,
as if afraid to intrude
upon the solemnity of despair.

Nothing is immune.
Not the towering pines once swaying freely
nor the rivers that carried hope
in their timeless currents.
The world breathes out sorrow,
a fog from deep within,
wrapping every corner in a quiet ache.

Yet, beneath this blanket of sadness,
something stirs—a pulse, faint but steady,
a whisper that reminds us
that even in the haze,
the earth turns.

December 1, 2024

December Quiet

The air smells of frost and woodsmoke,
and the sky is a pale, aching gray.
Morning drifts in slowly,
like a stranger unsure of the room.

Walking through the silent trees,
their branches stripped bare—
no leaves to catch the weight of the wind,
no words to ease its passing.

Light spills from distant windows,
but it doesn’t reach this place.
Only the sound of shoes on concrete,
and the creak of a season folding in on itself.

There are no songs here,
no laughter carried through the air.
Just the steady rhythm of my breath,
and the waiting silence of December.

December Dailies – Day 18 – Clogyrnach doesn’t lend itself to a clever title…

For my birthday I really wanted to sleep in and be lazy all day. As such, this poem, a Clogyrnach, is not my favorite poem but it fits the form. I think it could probably use some work, but we will get to that another day.

I actually wrote quite a bit today, but nothing felt “publishable” at this point. maybe soon.

So here goes a Clogyrnach:

Untitled Clogyrnach

Waking up to a bright new day
Have lots to do and things to say
Breathing into life
Sharp words like a knife
Cut through strife
A new way

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved. 


December Dailies – Day 17 – Tired ideas.

I am tired. It has been a long week. I am going to bed and this is what I have on the page for today.

The rain, falls in the doorway...
the opening through which I peer 
into the vacant yard, void of life
filling up with wet and miserable gray


December Dailies – Day 16 – Deconstruction

Sometimes I write a poem and after sitting with it for awhile I rip it up and see what I can salvage…

This is a poem that WAS finished, but NOW is being deconstructed to be remade into something new and hopefully better.

Also, this is what you get when I lose track of time, get tired and need to do something. A deconstruction of a finished poem.

Tear it down...

I remember 
Walking in the sand and sun.
Had I considered your lovely face

the reality Looking  
In my mind with a happy smile

Back then I never considered
they never end.heart

Now looking back I wonder how
Those times might end so soon
Maybe it would have been different.

In the darkness
you stroll out of my life 
when You were good for me 
but was I for you?
But I continue Happily 
And so it seems we’ll never know.

 to remember.
think on           our moments.
 light       at

Laughing on a rainy afternoon

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved.


December Dailies – Day 15 – Birthdays after 45… A couple cinquains.

Well… It’s my birthday month and I feel like I’m not getting enough free food from the restaurants I enjoy. Ah well, after 45 it also seems like eating too much takes a greater toll on the body. This is the reality, life is pretty good, but it’s also a sometimes gentle, downhill slope from here.

Cinquains are five line poems that take various characteristics based on the whims of the poet. Today, I give you a syllable count cinquain and a word count cinquain connected by a theme (sorta).


words and wishes

To live fully,
Chasing more than money...
Searching for meaning in chaos.
This life.

Goes on…
In the event of
My too untimely death…

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved


December Dailies – Day 14 – If you call I will answer…

Earlier in the week I was reading about the idea of call and response poems and songs. There are apparently forms of poetry designed around the idea of a call and a response two characters, perhaps even two poets…

I think it would be fun to write a few call and response poems with another poet. If you are interested in playing around with that idea with me… leave a comment.

So, without following anything prescribed with regard to form, I give you a call and response poem like thing. I think it can get better…

Wakeless waltzing.

I often dream…
we dance
well into the night.
I wake… and feel
The constant dragging,
lingering, longing…

Our dreams are alike
Yours and mine. 
The time we share
in the dark...
Dancing until dawn
while holding on. 

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved

Thanks to those of you who responded directly about enjoying the blitz or other poems. I appreciate the notes.


December Dailies – Day 13 – Blitzin’

Not talking about the reindeer. I’ve done blitz poems before and I have found them to be more difficult than you might assume when you read the description. It’s a 50 line poem and no punctuation which appealed to me tonight… 3 hours ago. Why did this take three hours? I have no idea.

Read on, my friends:

Stop and Change

Stop to rest
Stop and meditate
Meditate for a minute
Meditate all night
Night falls early
Night and day
Day by day
Day of the dead
Dead battery
Dead end
End of the road
End of the line
Line by line
Line of fire
Fire in the hole
Fire it up
Up to the sky
Up and over
Over and over
Over the rainbow
Rainbow bridge
Rainbow colors
Colors of the world
Colors in nature
Nature calls
Nature renews
Renews itself
Renews your mind
Mind your step
Mind the master
Master a trade
Master of the house
House your collections
House your family
Family and friends
Family practice
Practice patience
Practice constantly
Constantly seeking
Constantly looking back
Back to the beginning
Back to life
Life lingers
Life finds a way
Way to go
Way to be
Be good to people
Be the change

©2021 Tim Geoghegan All rights reserved

So, here’s the thing… after popping this in the text block and rereading it, I actually like it more than I did when I initially finished it. The most interesting thing is how it reflects things I have written about in my journal and other places ver the last several weeks. That was not entirely intentional, but it happened. It makes sense. A blitz is really about what is on your mind. This is a tidbit of that for you to do with as you will


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